Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Quite Interesting what studies come up with..

LONDON (Reuters) – People who suffer chronic sleep problems are more likely to think about suicide or actually try to kill themselves, researchers said on Wednesday.

The more types of sleep disturbances a person had -- such as waking up too early, difficulty falling asleep or lying awake at night -- upped the odds of suicidal thoughts, planning a suicide, or attempting it, researchers told a conference.

"People with two or more sleep symptoms were 2.6 times more likely to report a suicide attempt than those without any insomnia complaints," Marcin Wojnar, a researcher at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and the Medical University of Poland, who led the study, said in a statement.

"This has implications for public health as the presence of sleep problems should alert doctors to assess such patients for a heightened risk of suicide even if they don't have a psychiatric condition."

According to the World Health Organization, some 877,000 people worldwide kill themselves each year. For every suicide death, anywhere from 10 to 40 attempts are made, the U.N. agency estimates.

Scientists have linked sleep disturbances to increased suicidal risk in people with psychiatric disorders and in adolescents but it is unclear whether the association also exists in the general population, the researchers said.

In the study presented at the World Psychiatric Association International Congress in Florence, Italy, Wojnar and colleagues looked at the relationship between sleep problems and suicidal behaviours among 5,692 U.S. men and women.

About a third of the volunteers reported at least one type of sleep disturbance over the preceding year, which included either difficulty falling asleep, trouble staying asleep or waking at least two hours earlier than desired.

After adjusting for factors such as substance abuse and depression as well as for the influence of age, gender, marital and financial status, the researchers found the most consistent suicide link with waking up early.

People who reported that problem were twice as likely to have had suicidal thoughts or planned a suicide and were nearly three times more likely to have tried to kill themselves.

The researchers do not know exactly why but said lack of sleep may affect cognitive function and lead to poorer judgment and increased hopelessness. A malfunction involving the brain chemical serotonin may also play a role, Wojnar added.

"Our findings also raise the possibility that addressing sleep problems could reduce the risk of suicidal behaviours," Wojnar said.

Three Days...

Today is day number three without caffeine. Whoo hoo for me!! My horrible caffeine headaches are finally gone and I kind of feel a little bit better. Now if I could just sleep a little better, without such vivid dreams, then I won't feel like I need caffeine. I have also been running every other day which clears my mind and makes me feel good about myself. Eating healthy, running, and no more caffeine...oh my who ever knew I would end up like this :) ( I even turned down In N Out the other night...which is one of my fav.fast food places. I was proud of my will power, which I normally have none of.)

On another topic, sales tax increases tomorrow, and pretty soon personal income tax and some car fee in increasing too. I know we have a state deficit, but I don't know how well this will work out. People already don't have the money to spend, so this will probably make them spend even less. Oh my...

Getting ready to read...everyone have a wonderful night!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Love to read

I found this really neat website called swaptree.com. If you love to read, but hate the expensive cost of books and how your bookshelves get over packed, you should check it out...(haha kind of sounded like an advertisement for them).

Anyways, it's a website where you can put in the books you have and the books you want and you can trade people. There are some books that are keepers but the other ones i've read and won't really read again or just weren't that interesting to me I've put on there and I have 60,000 items I can choose from to trade. I'm excited. They also do movies, cd's and video games. Now I can read all the books I've wanted too with only paying a few bucks for shipping and handling.

You should check it out if interested!

My frugal tips for the day...

1. Save the bags your cereal comes in because you can use it as freezer wrap or for coating meats and vegetables.
2. You can use 1/4 oatmeal 3/4 hamburger meat and cook it up. It doesn't make the taste any different and you save on meat...(They say it works but, I'm not so sure...I guess I will have to try it.)
3. Buy vegetables when they are on sale ( peppers, onions ect.) Dice and freeze so you will have when the prices go up.

Until Next time...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

If I died tomorrow...

would I really be happy with what I have done with this life God has given me?? I'm really not the adventurous type what-so-ever, but I have been having the urge to get out, go smell some flowers, breath in fresh air, swim in a lake in the middle of mountains. My life is so planned out( which is not a bad thing, I like it that way), but I really need one day to just run and jump and breath in air and just sit there in that spot for as long as it is needed to clear my brain.

I know this is prob. dangerous, but I want to go up really high on some mountain where no one ever goes and just lay down and be with just me and the earth. ( haha that kind of sounded goofy).

Don't get me wrong I am happy with my life, I think I just need some adventure sometimes...or I at least need to leave my house other than Sunday's and random nights I run to the store or have a meeting to attend.

Until next time...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sometimes I want the world to stop

Seriously sometimes I wish I could just stop the world for 10 min get everyone I really care about into the same room and just have a giant group hug for 10 min. I've been missing people lately and wanting to be near the ones I care about all the time. My anxiety has been pretty bad and I always think like the worst is going to happen so maybe that's why I'm feeling this way. I think it would feel super nice, to have everyone you care about in the same room and just feel super loved by everyone for 10 whole minutes. So if anyone ( well people that I know) needs a hug just come on by, cause I need some too!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Green eggs and toast

So today is St. Patricks day. This morning I made my kids green scrambled eggs and toast with green butter thinking that it would be something cute for them. Well my kids probably thought I went crazy or something, Cameron told me that my eggs were rotten eggs and Leilani refused to out them anywhere near her mouth. (My kids absolutely love eggs too) Maybe another year they will like them :)

Today I also had jury duty. I was there from 8 a.m to about 12:30 p.m. I didn't even get to sit in a juror chair or answer any questions. They filled all 12 juror seats and the two alternates before I even got called on to give my information. It was a VERY boring 3 hours and I hope that I never have to go again.

One more thing, my foot is swollen and bruised and hurting pretty bad. I'm pretty sure I didn't break it because I prob. wouldn't be able to walk on it, but whatever I did do to it, it hurts. Hopefully a lot of Ibuprofen and ice will make it feel better soon. I hate limping when I walk. Plus that means I can't wear any cute shoes until my foot goes back to normal.

Until next time

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Day at the Park

Here are some pictures of when we went to the park. It was a super nice day and the kids were very happy to get out!!

Oh and then there is one of a pretty flower and the clouds with pretty colors...

Tent City

This is something that, we as people who have,need to help with. These people have nothing. We at least have a roof over our head at night and a heater or fireplace to keep us warm. They are sleeping in tents sometimes not knowing where they are going to get food next while we go and stuff our faces at (your choice of a restaurant). This hurts my heart, all these people have nothing and we are all greedy with what we have. (Man I sure do have a lot of things to say today) Sacramento's homeless rate is rising fast. With more foreclosures, jobs lost and full shelters, all you have to do is walk downtown or cruise the American River and you'll meet people who are homeless for the first time.

The sea of tents along the American River is hard to miss, and their number is growing.

"Anywhere from 20 to 50 people a week is showing up out here that just became homeless," said Steve Kruse, a homeless man. "There are shelters, but they're filling up so fast."

Many of the men and women in the tents lost their jobs and then their home.

Robert Booker was laid off after working four and a half years for a Sacramento property management company, but managed to snag an open spot in a shelter. The tent he was setting up near the river was for his friend, but he is concerned he will end up there as well.

Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson knows the crisis is growing. As foreclosure and unemployment rates skyrocket, the homeless rate is now on the same track. From 2007 to 2008, Sacramento County's "new homeless" rate rose a whopping 15 percent.

The last count showed the number of homeless with no shelter at all up 26 percent. That's 1,200 people living on the street or in a car.

Mayor Johnson says the new homeless plan he's working on may include a regulated tent city. "I can't say tent cities are the answer to the homeless population in Sacramento, but I think it's one of the many things that should be considered and looked at," he said.

Kruse says the public should consider who could be next to face that situation. "Prepare! Don't turn your back on us today, because tomorrow, you'll be living next to us," he said.

"I'm seeing families out here," Kruse added. "A lady walking down here yesterday with two babies and a stroller, and she asked did anybody know where she could stay."

When the Game is Over, It all goes back in the Box.

I just finished reading that book by John Ortberg. It was one of those books I couldn't put down. It is actually quite sobering, you look around at all the things that matter to you like clothes, TV's, Nifty technological items like washers and dryers, dishwashers and you think, wow I spent so much time trying to get the money to buy all this stuff and in the end it doesn't even matter.

God and People matter. That is what we are supposed to be spending our time, effort, love on. People will last, in a sense. One of our purposes on this earth I believe is to get everyone into heaven. How can we possibly do that if we are busy in front of the computer or watching TV, or even making tons of money trying to buy the newest of things? Don't get me wrong, I love clothes, and the internet, it's one of my flaws ( quite a big one), but reading this book gave me a different perspective.

If I only have today left am I going to spend tons of time getting "pretty"? Am I going to dust and clean all of my "temporary" possessions? (Now I'm not saying live in a disgusting house, because that's taking it overboard)

If I only had today left, I would spend all of my time with people, with my precious children and the lovely people in my life. I wouldn't sit in front of the TV or the computer, I'd get out enjoy the precious gifts God has given us. The smell of newly opened rose buds, the gorgeous white and pink blossoms on the trees, the pretty sound of birds chirping and the awesome gift of human life.

In a sense I only have today to do things. I can't wait for "life to get better", "James to make more money", "My kids to get a little bit older" because I might not have tomorrow to do the things I should have done today.

I'm also learning to be thankful for the tiny things and even the things that seem like such a burden. Everyday is another gift from God, we should always remember to thank him for giving us another day, even another breath of life. When you wake up in the morning say "God Thank you for another beautiful day to do your will on this earth." It makes your whole day go quite differently than if you roll out of bed grumpy because you didn't get enough sleep because maybe you were up late taking care of your "temporary" possessions or working super hard to buy some more. :)

Even if your sick take joy in the fact that you are still alive. Your hearts still beating and your still breathing. If we take gratitude in EVERYTHING, just imagine how much more joy you will have. God has given us everything we can see, and even things we can't. We need to be thankful everyday, because in an instant in can be taken away. Without warning or anything.

I have one more thing to say, When you die do you want to be remembered by that person that made tons of money and had a giant house with lots of useless possessions, or do you want to be remembered by that Amazing person who gave so much of their life and drastically changed other peoples lives? I don't know about you ( and I even love my "temporary" clothes) I would rather be known as the person that had little and gave a lot.

Until next time...

I love this song...

I heard this song on the radio last night and I absolutely love it. It's encouraging. One of my new favorite songs. Just thought I would share it with you!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More pictures of the kinds

This one is especially for you Auntie Barb.
She was being Camera Shy
Just a cute little boy
She gets her craziness from her Dad
She wanted the string around her head
This is by far one of my favorite pictures
Just riding in the car

Another cute one outside

New Books

As you already know I have problems with sleep so yesterday Tamson and I went to the goodwill and I bought tons of books to read while I can't sleep. Most of them I already read, I just love them and would re-read them over and over. Lets see...
I got;
Moby Dick-By Herman Melvin
A million little pieces-By James Frey (Which James told me that the guy made up the entire story and pretended it really happened to him)
Anthony and Cleopatra - By Shakespeare (Whom I absolutely love)
Fahrenheit 451 - By Ray Bradbury
Othello - Shakespeare
Twelfth Night - Shakespeare
Gianna - Jessica Shaver
Joshua - Joseph Girzone
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
and Prayer is Invading the Impossible - By Jack Hayford.

I am so excited to read all of these...I sooo love books!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Name Days

A name day is a tradition in many countries in Europe and Latin America of celebrating on a particular day of the year associated with the one's given name. The custom originated with the Catholic and Orthodox calendar of saints, where believers, named after a particular saint, would celebrate that saint's feast day. In many countries, however, there is no longer any explicit connection to Christianity.

Each first name is assigned to one day of the calendar, based on religious traditions, historical events, birthday of a famous person who had the same first name, or on other facts.

Birthdays are normally celebrated with just immediate families and Name Days are widely known and celebrated by everyone. That's kind of nice if you don't want everyone knowing your age :)

A list of Name days for you guys;

Amber - Feb 28th
James - July 25th
Cameron - July 18th
Leilani - Aug 11th
Michele - Sep. 29th
Robert - June 7th
Katherine - Nov. 25th
Suzanne - Aug 11th
Barbara - Dec. 4th


I just found that quite interesting.. Now I know something new for the day!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sometimes I just need a hug....

I wish I had a mom
who would hold me when I cry,
who would gently rub my hair
when on her lap I lie.
I wish I had a dad
who would hug me really close,
tell me everything will be fine
when I really need it most.
I wish I had a mom
who I could curl up to,
a mom who would always tell me
"Amber, I really do love you."
I wish I had a dad
who I could always go to,
who wouldn't have a mean thing to say
just "I believe in you."
I know I'm supposed to go to my husband
when I need comfort and support,
but sometimes I still want two parents
to go to when I hurt.
Too bad they are the reason
there's this void in my heart,
I don't know how to get rid of it
I don't even know where to start.
I try so hard not to care
and pretend that I'm alright,
but what I would do for two parents
who would hug me close and tight.

Monday, March 2, 2009

A Little Visit to Chico

So on Friday I had to go up to Chico so I could take Nikki to Butte College to take a test while Chrissy watched the kids. I took quite a few pictures while I was up there, and I thought I would share some.
Nikki and I driving to the college
This was pretty much just a pile of stuff, but I liked how the picture turned out
I like this pole they had in the middle of campus, the guy there was just extra cause he was already standing there.
Another abstract statue ( I love abstract art)
This guy was praying I thought that to be interesting so I took a picture of him. It's not often I see someone praying out loud in the middle of a non christian college campus!
Some small pretty blue flowers growing in the grass

All in all it was a good day, kids were good for the trip up there, they were good for Chrissy and Nikki said she think she did good on her test.

Until Next time...