Monday, December 29, 2008

The Faith

I have been reading this book, which I think is super interesting. I just wanted to share something I read...

" If we live in an exclusively material world, human life-including mine and yours- is absolutely meaningless. No matter how intense our passions, how great our accomplishments, or what side of history we choose, all of this will turn to dust in a universe doomed to extinction. Nothing apart from God counts, as Solomon so eloquently wrote four thousand years ago in Ecclesiastes- words that ring true today.
But if there is a personal Creator, if God is, then His creation can reflect His character; it can reveal God's purposes for us. Our lives instantly gain meaning. The world becomes a means of knowing God as well as our dwelling place. We can truly be the reasoning, imaginative, creative persons we believe ourselves to be.
How we understand ourselves and the world around us determines the kind of life we make. The early Christians showed us this is they swabbed the foreheads of plague victims; so have the Amish. Whether we believe that God is affects not only our families and our culture, but world history."

Until next time....

1 comment:

Anwen said...

Wow. That is so true. I remember in college when I felt like there was no God, I realized without God, nothing else matters; there is no point in living.n Glad I know He's here now!