"You are precious and honored in my sight..." Isaiah 43:4a NIV
Are the factors that determine a woman's value based upon variable, shifting factors or are they based upon fixed factors? Fixed, of course right? But if the answer is so obvious why do we struggle so much as women with feeling worthless? It's because we often allow variable earthly factors define our worth. There are main reasons why women feel worthless:
-They've been abused
-They've been told they are worthless
-Choices they have made
-They've been cheated on
-They are co-dependent
-They've battled an illness
Including many more that we use to define our worth. Many of us feel worthless. Why? We've felt ignored, invisible, insignificant, useless, undesired, ugly, unloved or forgotten. Girls are emotional, broken down in many ways. Great portions of our identity and of our personal value are wrapped into highly combustible packages of emotion..how we feel about this or that. The honest truth is our worth has nothing to do with how we feel.
That way of thinking is like a spiritual dead end road. Scripture tells us that anything we do in our own strength or of our own goodness is of no value to God. "All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags" Isaiah 64"6a
Because of Jesus Christ, I am (you are) a woman of highest worth. NOT because of anything else. I am (you are) a grace girl. Not perfect by a long stretch. I (you) have been changed by the unconditional love of God and restored to perfect beauty through Jesus' shed blood. Because of love, we are His daughters and we are precious in His sight. We need to set aside feelings that diminish our value, and embrace our proper identity: A child of the King of Kings.
Feelings of worthlessness are from the Enemy himself. It makes me sad that the enemy has such a strong grip on God's daughters (myself included). We need to associate the word worthless with the word lie. That's what it is a super duper lie.
I bend a knee to negative feelings and live a defeated life because i'm not quite sure how to overcome my sense of worthlessness. I now know that God wants me (and you) to experince healing and have an appropriate sense of self-worth.
The Bible tells us that because Jesus died on the cross we can be clothed with the "robe of righteousness". Apostle Paul tells us that when we are reconciled to God, we become his righteousness. "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" 2 Corinthians 5:21 There is no possible way we could ever earn such a robe. But Jesus gave his life for us, He earned it for us. He paid the price and we receive the gift. Why?? Because I am (you are) worth it. We are precious and highly valuable in the eyes of the One who sees.
Until next time....
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