Monday, April 13, 2009


There are so many ridiculous things that go on in this world....

Teen Sexting Legalized in Vermont?

Legislators in Vermont are considering a bill which would legalize "sexting" between teenagers. For those of you who don't know what sexting is, it is the exchange of explicit videos and photos via cell phone. See FOX News.

Current law in Vermont allows "sexting" participants to be charged with child pornography, but lawmakers are considering a bill which would legalize the consensual exchange of graphic images between people aged 13 to 18 years old. Passing along images to others without permission would remain a crime under the child pornography laws.

Supporters of the bill say while they don't condone "sexting" they also don't believe teenagers should be prosecuted as sex offenders under child porn laws for behavior that is consensual. Would you want your 13-year-old daughter to be able to receive nude images from a guy at school? While I don't believe such behavior rises to the level of child porn, I also don't believe that legalizing such consensual images is the answer, either. What do you think?

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