I think the hardest part about being a Christian is the distance that grows between you and non-Christians. I know my beliefs and I will stick by them till I die, so being afraid of, i guess, peer pressure is really not an issue with me. It's more like you become a Christian and all the non- Christian people in your life just seem so different. I don't really know how to explain it, it just kind of saddens me. My family is non-christian and the more and more I grow in my faith the more and more we really have nothing to talk about. My sister and I really have nothing in common anymore, my mom and I don't really talk unless it's about the kids and even then we disagree on a lot of things like school, and money and how to raise them. It is really sad.
When I first spoke in tongues I was sooo excited I longed to call my mom and tell her how awesome it was, but I knew she wouldn't understand and would just kind of be like..uhh...so i didn't call her. Thankfully God has placed me in a place where my in-laws are awesome, so I could call them and be extatic and they would understand and be happy for me.
Good news: My sister Nikki gave her heart to God yesterday at church, I was so happy I cried..that is something i have been praying about for two years.
So, i guess I will just keep praying for the rest of my family, God is big and he is awesome.
Until next time....
Praise the Lord!!! There's rejoicing in heaven for your sister's salvation. I'm so happy for you both; that's awesome! Thank you, Amber, for being faithful to pray, witness, and love her into the kingdom. That is the greatest gift you can give anyone--eternal life! And you helped... I'm so proud of you!
Hugs and blessings, Auntie
PS Keep praying for the rest of your family; God is working on them too.
PSS I guess I should get the comments in the right place ;)
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