For Today...
"But anyone who does not love does not know God -- for God is love. God showed how much he loved us by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." (1 John 4:8-10 NLT)
Also, Cameron just told me I needed two phones because I like to talk and I have two ears. It's nice to know that he is starting to know his's not really nice to know that he thinks I talk to much :)
That is such a beautiful scripture... God sacrificed His only Son, Christ sacrificed His life for us; these are 2 examples of awesome sacrifice to show us real love.
I think the message to us is to show love by sacrifice; not physically, but egotistically. One is incapable of loving another without submitting to them and serving them with a humble spirit. When we all lay down our own agendas/selfishness and instead live serving each other, that is a sacrifice of sorts, and that is what I think God's trying to teach us.
Being married and being a mama are just two ways God has given women like you a way to practice love and to "sacrifice" the "me" agenda that we all start out with...
Putting others first, while taking care of yourself also, is what God says to me when I read this scripture. Love can be a vague term if we don't give it an active meaning...
Thanks for sharing this scripture; it gets me thinking about it too and its a great reminder to practice it...
Hugs, Auntie
LOL kids are so observant. Yesterday one of my students asked me why I eat a certain way. "you always break off a big peice of your sandwich, then you break that piece in to little pieces and eat one at a time." "Yeah Mrs. R, why do you do that?" I didn't know and had to think about it. Later that night I realized I had developed the habit of not biting off pieces of bread, back when I had braces. If you dont do that, you will get bread bits stuck on your braces.
Another time when I taught preschool, a little boy was wathing me eat an apple. "Miss --- you should take smaller bites!" Agkh!
Amber did you go to this one yet. (Princess Information!!!!)
Jesus is the King, we ARE the princesses!!!
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